Frugal innovations are all the rage! With their genesis at grassroots levels of society, these products have evolved into Advanced Frugal Innovations (AFIs) possessing good technological sophistication. Many advanced frugal products need cutting edge research other than routine science and technology for their fruition.
Frugal engineering concerns the systematic creation of products that are low in cost, consume lesser resources and give good functionality.
Frugal engineering is an important tool for tackling the challenges thrown by climate-change and other planetary and manmade crises of our time. Frugal engineering is significant for all-round sustainable development.
Frugal engineering will increasingly impact all human endeavours, both commercial and public, for widespread sustainable development. Instances include, but not limited to, UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), pandemic-related efforts, commercial and academic interests.
Irrespective of your field of interest or current vocation, please drop Professor Balkrishna Rao a line in the link at the bottom for your interest and/or need for research-solution using principles of frugal engineering.
ICCR Visiting Chair Professor
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany (2022).
Balkrishna C. Rao is a Professor in the Department of Engineering Design at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) in India. As a member of the Sustainable Manufacturing Group at IITM, he conducts research pertaining to sustainable manufacturing, additive manufacturing, and frugal engineering.
He has been one of the early researchers in frugal engineering who has worked in various aspects of frugality related to poverty, sustainability and engineering. Other than work in manufacturing for automotive and aerospace sectors, his work in frugal innovations has led to the creation of a new type called Advanced Frugal Innovation (AFI) to account for the increasing sophistication seen in these products. He coined the term AFI.
He has also developed a frugal approach to design wherein advanced and grassroots frugal products can be built from scratch. Such a frugal design tool, which uses the factor-of frugality proposed by Professor Rao, can greatly aid sustainable development in designing streamlined products for various sectors while also improving functionality. Among his other contributions, he has also developed a concept for tallying the innovative output of a country through Gross Domestic Innovation (GDI). Professor Rao earned his PhD in Mechanical Engineering with emphasis on manufacturing from Purdue University in the United States.
Frugality benefits the following:
Both grassroots and advanced frugal products are one of many appealing solutions for alleviating poverty
Constraint on resources together with low-cost make frugal products an excellent tool of sustainability to uplift society at large
The systematic design and engineering of frugal products will aid resource conservation while maintaining or improving quality
The systematic design and engineering of frugal products will aid resource conservation while maintaining or improving quality
Visit Google Scholars for citations
Refereed Journals
Book Chapters
Book Reviews
Miscellaneous Articles
S. Baruah and B.C. Rao
PLOS ONE, April 2024
B.C. Rao
The Journal of Entrepreneurship, October 2023
B.C. Rao
Royal Society Open Science , 8, 2021
I. Liefner, S. Losacker and B.C. Rao
Nature Sustainability, 2020
B.C. Rao
Royal Society Open Science , 7(7), 2020
B.C. Rao
Royal Society Open Science, 6(5), 2019
B.C. Rao
Heliyon, 3, 2017, e00299.
B.C. Rao
Challenge The Magazine of Economic Affairs, Vol. 57, No. 3, May-June 2014, pp. 40-59.
B.C. Rao
IEEE Engineering Management Review, 45(1), 2017, pp. 32-38.
B.C. Rao
Technology in Society, 35(1): 65-73, 2013.
B.C. Rao
Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, 53(1), 2010, pp. 109–125.
B.C. Rao
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224(8): 1193-1205, 2010.
B.C. Rao
International Journal of Innovation Management (IJIM), 14(5): 823-839, 2010.
B.C. Rao
Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, 51(5), 2008, pp. 70-83.
B.C. Rao
Technology Innovation Management (TIM) Review, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp: 49-56, April 2018.
(Invited) B.C. Rao
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Issue 4, 2017.
Balkrishna C. Rao
Frugal Innovation and Its Implementation
Balkrishna C. Rao
Handbook of Innovation & Appropriate Technologies for International Development
Balkrishna C. Rao
Handbook on Frugal Innovations and the Sustainable Development Goals
Book Review
Book Review
Funded Projects
Leibniz University Hannover (LUH), Germany
Keynote Talk
Center for Frugal Innovation in Africa
International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Kortenaerkade
The Netherlands
Fore International Conference for Frugal Approach to Innovation
Among the honored speakers were Shri Suresh Prabhu (Honourable Member of Parliament - Rajya Sabha) and Ms. Orly Goldschmidt (Head of Public Diplomacy, Embassy of Israel in India)
Click here for a complete list of speakers
Co-chaired with Prof. Ingo Liefner; Workshop involved eminent researchers from universities and industry in Europe.
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany.
Co-chaired with Prof. Ingo Liefner; Workshop involved companies of the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC).
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.
Co-chaired with Prof. Koshy Varghese.
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.
Co-chaired with Prof. Ingo Liefner; Workshop involved companies of the Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India (ACMA).
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.
Invited for a debate on the high tech Advanced Frugal Innovations (AFIs).
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities, The Netherlands.
Meeting on Implications of Frugal Engineering
Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany,
Chennai, India
The Boring Conference
Ather Energy
Bengaluru, India
Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM) 2024
NIT Warangal, India
10th International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing
Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology
Chennai, India
Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India
Chennai, India
International Engineering Sourcing Show (IESS)
Engineering Export Promotion Council of India (EEPC)
Coimbatore, India
National Innovation Foundation (NIF)
India (DST, Govt. of India)
ICCIG3 - Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA)
Ahmedabad, India
For students of Management Center Innsbruck - Austria
IIT Madras
Chennai, India
For students of Management Center Innsbruck - Austria
IIT Madras
Chennai, India
Invited as Delegate to Zero Mile Samvad on
Awarded by Ministry of External Affairs India
Ranked among top 2% for Citations
Ranked among top 2% for Citations
Received an Altmetric Attention
Invited to write a book chapter
Invited to write a book chapter
Invited Talk
Article Commended on Twitter
Metrics for the most cited Frugal article
Coining of "AFI" reported in IEEE article
Reference in a Chemistry PhD thesis
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